Worldcoin: Eine Währung, um uns zu knechten? – Video von Marc Friedrich

Dein Auge wird zur Geldbörse! Klingt absurd? Ist Realität! Eine neue Kryptowährung namens “Worldcoin” ist gestartet. Also schnallt euch an und schließt Eure Augen, denn wir tauchen tief ein in diese unglaubliche, umstrittene und auch gruselige Technologie und schauen, was sich hinter dieser dystopischen “Worldcoin” befindet.

Marc Friedrich: Twitter

10 dangers of living in a cashless society

Living in a cashless society might seem really convenient and efficient—you never have to worry about having cash when you go out because you know anywhere you go will accept a credit card, or the microchip in your hand (yeah, that’s a real thing). But there are some real dangers to not having any cash at all. In this episode of America Uncovered, we explore those downsides, including real-life examples of where not having cash has already led to problems.

Why China’s Social Credit System Is Worse Than You Think

China’s new social credit system is still young and disunified, but the government’s plans for a ‘black mirror’-style system of numerical social credit is developing fast. Too low a score or too much debt could mean being barred from travel on planes or trains. High enough and you get discounts on hotels or better rates on a loan. This video is a deep dive into what we know so far about China’s Social Credit Score. In a previous video, I examined how China controls the internet, and this seems like the perfect sequel. Enjoy!